Hurricane Aftermath/Backup Generators
Posted on Nov 3rd, 2012
Message from the President
First, I hope everyone has made it safely through the Hurricane this past week. It will go down as one of the largest storms to ever hit the Northeast. Colonial Hill lost power and heat for several days but some lost their lives while others lost their homes, cars etc...
Here's some good news! If you don't already know....We have Heat and Hotwater!!! While shopping for more flashlights at Sears yesterday morning I overheard one of the sales reps stating something about generators. I quickly asked "You have generators???" That quickly led to Colonial Hill now has enough generators to power up our furnaces and hot water heaters. We installed them yesterday. Two or three buildings had some delays but they are now running.
Gas as you know is a big problem. If anyone has any five gallon gas containers that we can borrow, please let Lech or any board member know. We can sure use them. To conserve gas we will be cycling the heat on (during the morning 6am--10am and 4pm and 8pm "Ish") This will hopefully maintain a decent heating level.
A big thanks to our Super, Lech and a friend of his for spending many hours installing these over the past 48hrs.
Stay warm!! and stay safe!!